Saturday, August 30, 2008

Back to School

I cannot believe my oldest child is a Freshman in highschool. I can't be that old... I mean it really hasn't been that long since I was a highschool freshman (well, ok, it has. It has been over 20 years, but still:)

We sent him to a different school than the one in our address area so that he would have more advanced and honors choices available to him his freshman year. He wasn't the happiest with the thought of going to a school where he knew no one. I think summer soccer conditioning, and making the JV soccer squad helped a bit. He seems to have enjoyed the first week, all be it a short week.

Our younger son is in 5th grade. . .his last year of elementary school. . .my baby is growing up. OK, so he would kill me if he heard me refer to him as, "my baby", but he is what he is. He seems to enjoy school, though he would rather be playing soccer or riding his bike. Go figure, he's a 10 year old boy.

Today, however is part of a long weekend. Granted, I am at work, but Greg has the boys off fishing at Deer Creek. Hopefully, they have a blast. Other than soccer, I think my two boys enjoy fishing more than anything else (well, eating may give soccer and fishing a run for the money for my 14 year old). At least we are all off on Monday. I don't care for fishing, so much, but we'll definately have to do something.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Bummed Day

Just a quick post to say I am a bit bummed. I announced my resignation today. My last day will be Sat, Sept. 13.
It seems strange, but I am going to sub as an aid with CCS. I looked at substitute teaching, but found out that the pay difference is not enough to warrent being a substitute teacher, even with a degree in Sec. Ed. I will gladly allow someone else to maintain control of the the classroom and carry out the lesson plan, while I assist in anyway necessary. My education does not make me proud to the point that I have to be the one in charge.

I will honestly miss everyone I work with at the Franklinton Branch, and throughout CML. I do hope to stay in contact with many whom I have met while working here.
I will not be a stranger at the library. I will once again, just be lumped into the catagory as a "power user".

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Beginning: My Quest at Blogging

This is my attempt at creating and maintaining a blog . As you can probably tell from the title of this blog, I am not the most original at creating titles, posts, etc. . . I am a complete novice at blogging, and many other technology based activities.

I will invite any interested to view my public pictures on my Flickr page. There, you will find me as Angela-in-Ohio. I have thousands of pictures that my Family and Friends can view, but realitively few for public viewing. The two pictures on this page are realitively recent. The sunset and barn was taken near Oakdale, CA. I took it out the car window. The butterfly was taken at my Grandma's house in KY.

Butterfly on Butterfly Bush